Sheet Metal Fabrication

What is Sheet Metal Fabrication?

Sheet metal fabrication is a multifaceted process of creating metal parts or structures out of sheet metal.

Cutting: Cutting metal into pieces of precise dimensions or dividing large sheets into several parts are examples of sheet metal processing. You can cut sheet metals manually using power tools, metal saws, lasers and waterjet saws.

Blanking: Blanking involves cutting out a portion of the sheet metal based on a stencil. Excess material is discarded or recycled.

Bending: Depending on your specific design, you may need to bend portions of the sheet metal pieces you have made. You can do this using press brakes and other tools.

Galvanizing: Corrugated roofing panels, for example, are a great example of this type of use. Zinc coated materials works effectively in prolonging the life of your roof.

Milling: If the metal work piece is still too thick and further reducing its thickness through rolling or stretching is impractical, milling is the next best course of action. It requires the use of a rotary cutter.

Welding: Joining together two pieces of metal by applying heat and pressure with gas or electricity can be used to build structures and create parts.

What is Rebar?

Introduction: What is Rebar?

It’s likely almost everyone has heard of rebar, and seen pieces of it sticking out of a concrete wall or pillar under construction. However, it’s probably also safe to assume most people are not familiar enough to explain exactly what rebar is. Could they describe how is rebar made, and its intended use? We’ll take a closer look at rebar to help answer these questions.

What is Rebar?
Rebar, short for “reinforcement bar”, is a metal bar used to increase the tensile strength of concrete. Concrete is quite hard and has great compression strength, but it is much weaker when it comes to tensile strength. Simply put, this means concrete is prone to cracking or toppling over from its own weight when used for building. A concrete sidewalk rests on the ground, which provides enough support for concrete to stay whole and strong. But when building up for the walls of a stadium, or building across for lengths such as a freeway overpass, the concrete requires reinforcement. The insertion of rebar within the structure helps the concrete to withstand great amounts of pressure and tension.
Rebar is available in several types of metals, and can even be made of fiberglass, but the most commonly used is produced out of carbon steel. This is because steel possesses thermal properties similar to concrete, which means both the structure and the rebar buried within it will react the same way to temperature changes. As the temperature rises and falls, the concrete and steel will expand or constrict together, which helps to prevent cracking.

How is Rebar Made?
Steel rebar is almost always made of recycled steel, taken from the frames of cars, appliances, and machinery which are too old for continued use. These steel pieces are melted down and cast as billets, the term used for long unfinished steel bars. The billet shape allows the pieces to be easily stacked away in storage until needed.
To make rebar, the billets are heated to a very high temperature just short of the steel’s melting point. The red-hot billets are then fed into extrusion machines, squeezing the steel out like toothpaste from a tube. This process is repeated with a series of smaller and smaller extrusion diameters, until it results in steel rods of the desired size.
From there, tooling machinery is used to create the distinctive corkscrew ribbing found on rebar rods. These ribs help to anchor rebar within the concrete, preventing the rods from slipping or bending. The final step is shearing the rebar rods to cut them down to the desired lengths.

How is Rebar Used?
Concrete is an incredibly resilient material – some ancient concrete structures such as the Roman Colosseum are still standing, thousands of years later. However, most concrete does begin to degrade as it ages and begins to form cracks. Cracks allow moisture and air to seep into the concrete, speeding the process and weakening the material’s structural integrity. If left untreated, the cracks can allow oxidation of the steel rebar, causing rust and weakening the steel.
Compromised rebar can lead to serious consequences, because the steel is no longer providing the strong degree of strength and reinforcement to the structure as intended. Not only does it provide building strength, but rebar can also help to prevent cracks from forming. And if cracks do form, the placement of rebar helps experts to predict where they’re most likely to occur, and those spots can be reinforced.
For best effect, rebar is often laid in a grid pattern. The carbon steel’s strength is maximized in grid formation, allowing it to reinforce the concrete despite tensile forces coming from many different directions. Ordinarily, non-heat treated carbon steel would be considered too brittle for construction use. Heat treatments such as hardening or annealing allow steel to retain much of its hardness while making it less breakable. However, this is not a concern when carbon steel is used for rebar, so the alloy can be left untreated. The steel is extremely hard and brittle, and highly vulnerable to rust, but once embedded within the concrete, these qualities are no longer liabilities. The extreme hardness of untreated carbon steel is a benefit, giving the structure added strength and stability.

Suitability of Welding Carbon Steel

Carbon steel is just as described: a steel alloy containing added carbon, with the carbon making up 0.05% to 2.0% of its weight. This percentage range means carbon steel is a sprawling category, covering many different types of steels with varying levels of carbon. Steel with any other combination of alloying elements can be included in this category, so long as they contain carbon.
Clearly the many possible chemical compositions of carbon steel make it difficult to make blanket statements about this metal. Carbon increases the hardness and strength of steel, but the percentage of carbon added creates different results with the steel’s mechanical properties. Those properties then affect how the metal reacts to further processing such as welding. It is very important to understand the exact qualities of a selected carbon steel to produce a successful weld; doing otherwise risks metal damage or a weld that may fail later during use.

Carbon Content
The most important decision before beginning a weld will be the type of steel to use. Carbon steels are organized as three basic types:
• Low carbon steels: containing less than 0.30% carbon by weight
• Medium carbon steels: containing 0.30% to 0.60% carbon by weight
• High carbon steels: containing 0.61% to 2% carbon by weight

Each of these groups will weld differently due to their carbon content. The higher the steel’s carbon level, the more prone it will be to weld cracking. Low carbon steels can be much more easily welded, which is why they are the typical choice for this process.. However, high carbon steels can be welded, provided extra care is taken with the more brittle material. Heating high carbon steel prior to the weld, as well as afterwards, will help prevent cracking. Additional filler metals may also be used with high carbon steel to create a better weld.

Carbon Equivalency
Once the type of carbon steel is selected, further determination of its weldability is done using the carbon equivalency formula. This formula examines what effect the other alloying elements besides carbon may have on a weld. The percentages of alloying elements are calculated as an additional degree of carbon – and that boosted carbon level translates into a steel considered more difficult to weld. As an example: using the formula means a medium carbon steel with no added manganese will be judged as easier to weld than the same carbon metal including manganese alloy.

Overall Chemical Composition
Even after selecting a lower carbon steel, and calculating an acceptable carbon equivalency, the overall chemical composition should still be reviewed. Some elements will just not take well to welding, even with a great deal of effort. Any amount of lead in carbon steel, for instance, will significantly raise the probability of weld cracks. Other common alloying elements such as sulfur or phosphorus can have the same effect, resulting in a weak or failed weld. While carbon steel with trace amounts of either sulfur or phosphorus can still be welded, the percentages must remain extremely low (approximately 0.05% or less) to avoid weld cracking.

Cooling Rate
The job is still not complete after creating a weld, because as it cools, cracking may develop. Carbon is again the main culprit here, due to it making the steel more brittle. With higher levels of carbon and equivalent alloys, the metal must be cooled at a slower rate to prevent cracks from occurring.
In addition to the steel’s carbon percentage, other factors must be accounted for during weld cooling. The thickness of the steel being welded will affect the cooling rate, and thinner material has a higher risk of distortion. The temperature where the weld is being performed is also important. In cold temperatures, preheating may be necessary even for lower carbon steels, while it can be performed without prior operations in warmer environments.

The Basics of Welding Stainless Steel

Cracking, spatter, incomplete fusion: just a few of the many pitfalls you may face when attempting a weld. While no approach is completely foolproof, your chances of a successful weld are much better once you have a good understanding of the basics. It is also important to tailor your methods to your choice of material; what works best for one type of stainless steel may not be as helpful with another. In this case, we’ll examine a few of the most popular methods of stainless steel welding.

The Material
There are many different grades of stainless steel, but they all have at least one alloying element in common: chromium. The addition of chromium is what makes steel ‘stainless’, with its characteristic shine and boosted corrosion resistance. However, adding chromium to the steel’s chemical composition – along with other elements such as molybdenum, silicon, or manganese – affect how the metal will react to heat. These elements lower the thermal conductivity of stainless steel, which means heat will not spread as easily through the material. This lack of efficient conductivity requires a stronger heat input, but higher temperatures or an extended welding time increases the chances of a burn-through or other heat-related faults. Whatever process you use for welding stainless steel, it will be a matter of balancing necessary heat input vs the potential for heat damage.

The Processes
There are several different methods of welding stainless steel, but most welders use one of these three types. There are other factors that can be considered in more detailed, but generally the selection depends upon the material’s thickness:
1. Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding

This process is one of the most commonly used for welding stainless steel. TIG welding, often referred to as tungsten gas arc welding, creates a low heat input which makes it the best choice for thinner materials. The heat is generated using electricity, which powers an electric arc between the tungsten electrode and the base metal. An inert gas such as argon creates a sheathing environment around the electrode, protecting and cooling the tungsten. This dampening effect helps to keep a relatively low heat input, as well as creating less smoke and oxidation.

Low heat input means TIG welding is ideal for thin stainless steels or precision welds on critical joints. Its concentrated heat allows for a narrow fusion zone, which calls for a high degree of control over the welding process. After completion, a TIG-produced join requires little to no post-weld finishing.

2. Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welding

Also known as gas metal arc welding, MIG uses electricity to melt and join metal during a weld. However, unlike TIG welding, MIG requires the use of both an inert shielding gas and a solid wire electrode. This filler metal wire is continuously fed during the welding to create the arc between the electrode and base metal.
Due to the higher heat during the weld, MIG is best selected when welding thicker widths of stainless steel or steel plate. It can be adapted for semi-automatic welding processes, since the continuous wire feed allows for long joins. It also produces little spatter and easy cleanup after processing.

3. Resistance welding (RW)

TIG relies upon a welding operator and MIG can be done manually or through automation, but for manufacturers who require a highly automated process, resistance welding is key. The method involves an electrical current run through weld electrodes, which apply force to the pieces being joined (the “resistance” part of the process). This force is converted to heat, and the resulting heat melts the metal enough to join it together. When completed successfully, the molten metal at the point of contact will form a rounded weld, known as a “nugget”.

Unlike the other two processes, RW has a steep initial cost of equipment setup and requires a high amount of power. This means it has little portability and cannot be used in the field like TIG and MIG welding. However, for manufacturing purposes, resistance welding is ideal. It is fast, reliable, requires no filler metals or other materials, and is excellent for sheet metal applications. Stainless steel can get up to weld temperature very quickly using the RW method, so welding can be completed within a few milliseconds.

Stainless Steel Kitchen Remodel

Property and home improvement shows are more popular than ever – and according to those experts, a kitchen remodel is one of the most effective ways to maximize your budget for home renovation. Stainless steel’s durability and stylishness make it a great construction material and design element in a kitchen. Whether used to equip a sleek industrial space, adding modern touches to classic or mid-century design, or used for cookware and utensils, consider the benefits of using stainless steel to update your surroundings.

5 Reasons to Use Stainless in Your Kitchen

  • Durability: Stainless steel is the standard in the restaurant industry for good reason; it’s strong, rust-free, and resists heat damage! Grade 304, the most commonly available type of stainless steel, will hold up to the daily wear of food preparation and cleaning because it is a non-reactive metal. This makes it incredibly versatile for everything from appliances and cutlery to pots and pans. Metals like copper or aluminum will react to acidic ingredients such as vinegar, discoloring its shiny finish and adding unpleasant flavors to your food. Countertops made of stainless steel can hold up to heat, liquids, and cleansers without negative effects – the same treatment which can crack or stain granite surface
  • Low Maintenance: The addition of chromium to produce stainless steel makes it very resistant to oxidation, which can rust and wear down other materials. Whether it’s exposed to water in a kitchen sink, high temperatures in a barbeque grill, or the cold of a freezer, stainless steel requires little maintenance to keep it looking its best. Stainless steel cabinets will not warp, making them ideal for high humidity or outdoor cooking areas.
  • Style and Versatility: Despite what you may think, stainless steel is not simply for those who like minimalist or industrial design! It coordinates well with any color or décor and makes for easy matching between your appliances, fixtures, and pots and pans. Cabinets or countertops with a high shine finish can help brighten a dim kitchen area. Appliances made of brushed-finish stainless steel give an elegant glow. Blended with natural materials such as wood and stone, stainless steel helps to give a timeless yet modern look to your kitchen.
  • Hygiene: Stainless steel is a non-porous material. This means its surface doesn’t allow air or liquid to pass through, which prevents the growth of bacteria within the steel. So kitchen surfaces and implements can be easily and thoroughly cleaned. Stainless steel makes an ideal choice for kitchen sinks and backsplashes since it can hold up remarkably well to regular use, water, and household cleansers.
  • Eco-Friendly Material: Nontoxic, long-lasting, and recyclable: stainless steel makes an environmentally-friendly choice of material for your kitchen and home. When treated with care, the durability of stainless steel means your appliances, décor, and cookware will last for many years, preventing excess waste and landfills. The easy cleanup for stainless steel – just soap and water – helps to cut down on the use of chemicals. As consumer demand increases for sustainable choices, consider the advantages of building and outfitting your kitchen with stainless steel. Its long life makes it a good choice for your finances, and for the good of our communities.

FastMetals is your online supplier for Stainless Steel Sheet.  Talk to us about what you are planning for your home improvement, we do custom cutting to fit your specific needs.